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So I have run more than a handful of ‘Fat Ass’ races where there is no entry fee, shirt, or finishers medal. They are fun, so I decided to finally organize my own. It was everything I ever wanted in my own race, well sortof

My friend Catherine (local ultrarunner) and I decide to hold a FA marathon at Cascades Falls in Jackson. There is a nice 1.8 mile paved loops but I thought that was a little too short, so I opned it up to also include running around the ‘other side’ of the park that made the loop just under 3 miles. 9 times around and you get a marathon. No muss, no fuss.
So we could get some runners, we posted the race information on facebook and the marathon maniacs webpage. With only a little more than a 1 month warning, we got a total of 17 people showing up on race day, but that was more than I had expected, so it was all good. While there were 4 non-finishers, none of those 4 were planning on running the whole marathon anyways. In other words, everyone ran as far as they were planning on running this day.
Since there is no entry fee, I supplied gatorade and water, thats it. The rest of the food (chips, brownies, fruit snacks, etc) was supplied by the fellow runners who made the FA potluck another good spread. This is one of the many reason why I like FA races, the food is always diverse and delish.
We all started together and I started out with my running friend Mark and his friend Rob. They were planning on doing 6 loops and wanted to do it fairly fast so I decided to run those 6 loops with them in a low 7 min pace. It was so nice to run a quick marathon. I have been doing so much ultra training at 8:15-8:30 pace I wasn’t sure I could run so quick. Shaking off rust is a good way of describing what I was doing.
After Mark and Rob stopped I was on my own so I grabbed my .mp3 player and turned on the techno to keep me moving. I slowed a little bit, but still managed the fastest marathon I have run since last November. I used to run local 5K’s and claimed it as ‘speed work’ for my marathon training. Now, low 3 hr marathons are my speed training for ultra marathons, I guess.
My lovely and wonderful wife was the official ‘lap counter’ for the first 3 hours while I was running. Once I finished I relieved her from that responsibility and checked off everyone as they came through their last few loops. She is so kind and while not a runner, she will help me out whenever she can. She did a great job and I truly appreciate all her help.
Everyone who came out seemed to have a great time and there was much talk of starting a ‘regularly scheduled’ FA race at the park. I had dreams of having a once-a-month FA race of various distances (5K one month, half marathon another month, etc) But who knows.
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