Saturday, April 1, 2006

2006 Martian Half Marathon Results

28/2012 Overall
7/188 Age
Well, the Martian half marathon was my test to see if I will be able to run a full marathon.
My goal was to do it in less than 1.5 hours, which means I _should_ be able to run a full marathon in less than 3:10 (Boston qualifying time, which is my ultimate goal)
This week I have been trying very hard to stay relaxed, watching closely what I eat, and forcing myself to take my runs easy. Yesterday I played 9 holes of golf which helped as well. All that ‘work’ paid off today.
The marathon and half marathon started at the same time, but I was near the front, crossing the start line about 10 seconds after the gun. My first mile was 6:00 min exactly, which happens to be my 5K race pace. After ~ 5 miles I had a 3 minute ‘lead’ on my 1:30 goal pace and tried very hard to keep that for the remainder of the race, which I did. I kept it so solid, that I could not ‘kick’ at the end, because I had been running so long at one speed. That is a good thing, though.
After the race was done, I felt fantastic. My legs (shins splints, ankles, heel, all of which have been hurting me in the last 3 weeks) feel fine. Small blisters were starting to form on my toes, so next time I need to remember to put some body glide in between my toes. I did eat too much food after the race, so my stomach got upset and I am a little tired, but feel great.
Tips for my next (long) race, which should be the Sunburst Marathon in June:
1. Go to the bathroom early. The line right before the start is going to be VERY long.
2. Hold your pace, no matter what people around you are doing. You are racing against the clock.
3. Body glide on thighs and toes
4. Golf the day before
5. Taper. Really. It was hard to do this week, forcing myself to do short workouts, but it paid off.
6. Don’t drink to much water during the race unless its hot. I was plenty hydrated from my morning tea, but I had a little water at each aid station, and I didn’t need to.
7. I had a carb-boom gel pack at mile 8.5 Not sure if it helped or not, but probably did. I will need those for the marathon for sure.

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